News & Gallery



April 1, 2022

Medical Yoga?

A growing number of studies are showing yoga can positively impact the body and have important psychological benefits. A physician assistant who is certified in Ashtanga yoga discusses the state of research in yoga as therapy. Creative commons music by Scott Buckley.

March 31, 2022

Good for the Brain

A physician assistant discusses yoga's role in treatment of one of the world's most common mental disorders. This ancient, drug-free, low-cost, slow-moving approach to depression may lesson the length or severity of your bouts.

March 30, 2022

Get Care Away from Home

You're not expected to switch plans or update DEERS while visiting friends and family away from Fort Riley or Kansas, but you can't just go to any urgent care center and expect TRICARE to cover it either. Nick tells you what to do if you find yourself needing care when you're several hundred miles away from home.

March 30, 2022

Leaving Fort Riley? Do This to Keep TRICARE Coverage

Your healthcare plan does not follow you automatically when you relocate. David's advice will help you ensure the next medical appointment at your new location goes without complications.

March 30, 2022

These Will Spare Your Pocketbook

Authorizations to see a specialty care provider have limitations. Do you know where to locate dates of coverage or name of provider on your authorization? If you get care outside of those limitations you will get a medical bill(s) that TRICARE will not pay on your behalf. David Price, an IACH benefits counselor, shares 3 tips that will prevent you from seeking his assistance.

March 30, 2022

Don't Ignore Dates of Coverage

A simple oversight in dates of medical coverage will result in a heavy financial burden. It happens frequently to individuals who get care in the TRICARE network who disregard the dates of coverage. David Price, an IACH benefits counselor, advises patients to stay within the bounds of their authorization for care in the network and to go back to their PCM if they need an extension.

March 24, 2022

MEDCOM Civilian of the Year

Pharmacist David Hatesohl once had an elderly patient revisit him a month after he had suggested changing drugs. Her tremors and shakings had ceased and she no longer worried Parkinson’s disease was her fate. She wanted to thank Hatesohl for identifying the culprit. “That was one point in my career that reinforced me I was making an impact in patients’ lives,” said the 33-year-pharmacist. He was presented the 2020 Civilian of the Year Award for U.S. Army Medical Command by LTG Raymond Dingle, The Surgeon General and MEDCOM Commanding General, on March 23, 2022.

March 9, 2022

Visual Teaser of IACH

Dive into a 3-minute cinematic experience of Irwin Army Community Hospital on Fort Riley. Special thanks to the Nutrition Care Division team, Physical Therapy providers, surgical staff, and Primary Care for making this possible. #CenterofEverything Cinematic Creative Commons music by Scott Buckley.

March 4, 2022

Standing Power Throw for Women

You have about two seconds to explode a complex feat of synchronization between certain muscles and motor units. Stafford Gosser, IACH's H2F deputy director, guides you through some exercises to optimize your standing power throw.

March 2, 2022

Mental Blocks Experienced by Women

Mental blocks are powerful because you aren't aware of them. Before 1LT Kelcie Beck was able to overcome irrational beliefs about herself as a woman she first had to recognize them. In this video the occupational therapist tells her story of how mental blocks affected her ability to achieve a leg tuck.

Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.