Please be advised that all outpatient clinics and ancillary services at Farrelly Health Clinic, Novosel Aviation Clinic, and IACH will be closed Jan. 20 in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Additionally, Farrelly Health Clinic and Novosel Aviation Clinic will remain closed on Jan. 21 in observance of the training holiday. During this time, IACH will maintain its regular operating hours, with all outpatient clinics and ancillary services available. Active-Duty Service Members requiring care, including sick call, should report directly to the Primary Care Medical Home on the 1st floor of the hospital. Please avoid visiting the Emergency Department for sick call needs.

Patient Resources


Active Duty

Active Duty Outpatient

The Soldier‘s unit DTS representative is responsible for initiating, funding and processing orders for outpatient specialty appointments outside of IACH. Before traveling to a specialty care appointment, Active Duty outpatients must provide a TRICARE authorization for specialty care to the Patient Travel Office.The Patient Travel Office will provide a travel authorization memorandum to the Active Duty outpatient. The memo is to be presented to the Soldier's S-3 or PAC responsible for producing TDY orders per the unit's SOP.

Upon completion of travel, patients must present:

  • Confirmation of Specialty Care Form. Patients can also present a signed letter from the treating facility indicating the appointment was kept. The letter must include office letterhead with address, phone number, and signature block.
  • TRICARE Authorization for Specialty Care
  • Itemized receipts from authorized expenses. Receipts must be in the patient's name for reimbursement.

For each 400 miles, patients are authorized one travel day.

All Active Duty outpatient travel is administered by the Soldier’s unit and local policies will determine distance allowed, NMA procedures, and SOP for reimbursement.

Active Duty Inpatient

Active Duty inpatients referred for specialty appointments outside of IACH must provide a TRICARE authorization to the Patient Travel Office to receive a pre-travel authorization memorandum.

The memo is to be presented to the Soldier's S-3 or PAC responsible for producing TDY orders per the unit's SOP.  The Soldier‘s unit DTS representative is responsible for initiating and processing DTS orders for inpatient appointments.

The unit should contact IACH’s Financial Defense Travel Administrator at the Resource Management Division to obtain the funding classification for DTS. For AD Soldiers, meals provided during an inpatient stay are covered by TRICARE. IACH will reimburse Active Duty patients only for meals en route to/from the TDY destination.

Upon completion of travel, patients must present:

  • Discharge documentation with date/time of admission and disposition
  • Itemized receipts with the patient’s name (or individual claiming reimbursement)

Active Duty Non Medical Attendant (NMA)

When a Non Medical Attendant is assigned to accompany another Soldier, the NMA must report before traveling to the Patient Travel Office to receive travel authorization. Active Duty Soldier assigned as NMAs will obtain receipts in the NMA's name for reimbursement.

If a rental vehicle is authorized, only the rate of a compact-size rental will be reimbursed after completing travel. Shared expenses can only be claimed by one traveler.

For more information on NMA procedures click Non-Medical Attendant.

Active Duty


Third floor, Room 3G002, in the four- elevator lobby area.
650 Huebner Road, Fort Riley


(785) 239-7176


Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 4 pm
Closed on federal holidays and select training holidays.

Quick Links for Travel Authorizations


Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.