About Us


About Us

Welcome to the home of the Big Red One and Irwin Army Community Hospital. We are the premier healthcare readiness platform for the Central Flint Hills Region.

Our mission is to ensure all Active Duty, Family Members and Retirees receive the services they demand and expect.

As enrolled beneficiaries, you and your family are key members of our healthcare team. The more satisfied you are as a patient, the more likely you are to trust our clinic staff and follow guidance for health improvements. Our goal is to provide the best service we can. As key members of the team, your feedback is essential.

During your visit let any of our staff know if there is anything we can do to improve your experience of care. Ask our clinic staff to elevate your concerns as necessary.

You may receive a satisfaction survey in the mail about 72 hours following your visit. The Joint Outpatient Experience Survey gives us the feedback necessary to continually improve and achieve excellent healthcare and patient satisfaction.

This website will enable you to obtain the care you seek. Here, you will find information about the facilities and services available to you, your family and visitors during your stay. Thank you for letting us serve you.

Duty First!
Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.