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Tag: #whoisthebestleader #ArmyMedicine #MRCWest #BestLeader2023 #Readiness #USArmy #MRCWestBestLeader #whoisthebest

April 13, 2023

…and then there were six.

The Finale. Four grueling days and sleepless nights tested 78 Soldiers’ resolution to win. Few understood what they had gotten themselves into. Most lost the will to persist. Six wanted it at all costs. This is their story. #whoisthebestleader #ArmyMedicine #MRCWest #BestLeader2023 #Readiness #USArmy #MRCWestBestLeader #whoisthebest Music by Scott Buckley (@ScottBuckley) – released under CC-BY 4.0.

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